of clients using our lead generation product: Gener8 in the last quarter (Apr-Jun 2023) achieved a minimum 6% response rate among lapsed clients and prospects.
Lead Generation
Gener8, our lead generation tool, allows you to re-engage dormant prospects, contacts, relevant LinkedIn contacts, lapsed clients and fans in a simple one question Pulse Check.
The maths is simple. With a response rate of just 5% (we achieve an average of 6%), Gener8 helps you to invigorate business leads that would otherwise remain dormant. If you went live to 1,000 contacts, 50 responded and you converted just 10%, you would have 5 shiny new pieces of client work.
Branded as your company, our survey will ask all of these contacts which of your services would they most like to talk to you about right now.
We take care of the data, ensuring that it is ship shape and GDPR compliant, and can go live within 72 hours of receiving your data set.
Within five working days, you receive a top line report stating the response rate and the proportions of recipients wanting to talk to you about each of your services. This part is completely free!
In good company
Our clients include service-led businesses, membership organisations and all sorts of companies, from SMEs through to global brands, blue chip corporates and agencies.