Meet The Team

Annabel – Founder & CEO
Interested in the elephant in the room. An anthropologist by training, Annabel Dunstan began her working life variously as a lumberjack, a sailing instructor and a ski guide. She then spent 25 years in marketing and PR, both in-house for Gulf Air and agency side as MD for the award-winning 3 Monkeys Communications. She loves to get under the skin of an organisation through measuring and managing client, employee and/or member experience. Her expertise is in asking the right questions and helping people to listen better to the answers. With her two adult children having flown the nest, she is in training for an Olympic distance triathlon and is having sax lessons with the guy from Madness.

Nicki – Business Manager
Organisation personified. Nicki Marotta keeps everything on track from on-boarding new clients, running the Pulse Check process to organizing and running events. Her decade of experience as Executive Assistant to the CEO of Gucci brings a certain class to Q&R. Mother of a budding actress, Nicki is often to be found at castings and cheering from the stage wings.

Bonamy – Insight and Analysis
Fanatical about numbers. Bonamy Waddell brings 20 years’ experience including over a decade at Hill+Knowlton Strategies and helps companies to tell stories about their numbers. Her expertise is in data analysis and marketing. Bonamy loves numbers and can explain them in a way that engages. She works out the real story that the data is saying – and delivers an impartial narrative. She has two young daughters who keep her busy as well as active. So much so, she has taken to running and has competed one full – and three half – marathons…and counting.

Rachel – EDI Consultant
Curious and eager to find the answers, Rachel has been working in the PR, Comms industry for over 10 years. Her experience working at Global Advertising agency Iris, coupled with her PR experience working for culturally led brands at Full Fat and Mission led her to start her very own practice, Axe & Saw. Her focus is on bringing Diversity, Inclusion and Equity into the communications space. She specialises in training organisations in the ED&I space placing storytelling at the centre, and champions businesses who deliver purpose and impact to society.

Amy – Virtual Assistant
A completer finisher multi-tasker. Amy is our experienced executive assistant and a mum with two young children, and has a passion for all things travel, cooking, and fitness. Amy draws her energy from meeting and building relationships with new people, spending time with friends and learning new stuff.

Jeremy – Software & IT
Software guru. Jeremy Burbridge maintains and tweaks Q&Rs Pulse Check adding on bells and whistles to our open platform, as clients’ needs change and morph. Known for solving problems and keeping our IT ship shape. Jeremy is a real ale fan and a little camera shy, so we illustrated him instead.

Dave – Software & IT
Self styled ‘mediatrician’. Dave Motion sorts stuff on the IT and software front. As Q&R has grown Dave has played a part in ensuring we are cyber secure, GDPR compliant and IT efficient. Every company needs a Dave. Dave’s main love aside from his VW, is playing guitar and laying down tracks.

Sarah – Design
Our ‘can do’ designer. Sarah Jones creates impactful bespoke infographics helping us to tell data stories. A long career serving PR agencies, Sarah understands deadlines and always delivers to brief and on time! Two boys and county level badminton keeps her busy otherwise.

Julian – Finance
Sage and trusted counsel with over 30 years’ experience of working with marketing services businesses. Q&R’s accountant and financial advisor Julian Davies helps businesses to grow their profits and value. He has had a working relationship with Annabel for over 15 years both at Q&R and in her former career in PR. When not counting beans Julian likes running, snowboarding and attempting to play golf.

Ian – Board Advisor
Eminence Grise. Keeps us on the straight and narrow. When not advising Q&R, Ian Henderson is a creative director, marketing consultant and agency leader specialising in connecting complex organisations with their audiences. Strong understanding of the business, finance and corporate space together with a broad background in advertising, brand consulting and design. An articulate broadcaster and published writer. Loves to cycle very long distances up very big hills.